Saturday, October 22, 2011

First day back

I hope this blog has a better fate than the other one. I've likened blogs to diaries and I don't have the best track record with diaries. Most of the ones I find have the first few pages written in and then nothing.

Allie and Pet are coming over tonight (at least that's the plan, woop!) and we're going to make grilled chicken, potatoes and veggies for dinner. It'll be my very first home-cooked meal since moving into my apartment 2 months ago. Yeah. That's a silly thing. The getting healthy kick starts today. I've had my last fast food meal for a while, and I plan on being more healthy. I'm not going to cut out everything unhealthy all at once- that's just stupid and it won't work. But my mono is gone, so I can go back to the gym now YAY!

On another note, it's the MSU v. Wisconsin game tonight and I'm so excited! I really hope we beat them, especially after beating Michigan last week. It would just be so sweet to beat two of our biggest rivals one after the other. GO GREEN! GO WHITE! GO MSU!

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